Sunday, May 15, 2011

Life in a nutshell

It's Sunday. It's pouring with rain. And it's May.
Almost summer.

Life has been flying by. Almost too quickly.
Shakespeare Day steadily approaches. I'm starting to get worried about my poor heart. All the stress and the worry. But it'll be all right in the end. I know it.

Spanish nationals on Monday and Math nationals on Tuesday. Help me. Should be bearable though. That is, if I study a bit today.

I'm feeling somewhat blue too.
Less than a month until school ends. Already one year cleared of high school. And only too more remain. And hey, my childhood is just ticking away. The hourglass is running out.

Life. Such a short word. But it's a lot deeper and bigger than it looks. The irony of it makes me laugh.

You know what? I think with a little Carpe Diem, today might be quite a good day.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Here it is, the clip of the day. 
All I can say is, watch and contemplate. Perhaps even shed a little tear, as I did. 
If they wanted to send a message to a sixteen year-old, I hope they know that I, without a doubt, did receive it.